am 13.03.2024 11:05
Hi All,
I ordered a new contract, but i did not received the new online registration code. i tried to request via meinVodafone with customer number and phone number. hit error below :
anyone can help?
Thank you.
am 13.03.2024 11:31
maybe u r already registered with the email-address u want 2 use in this case?
or the activation code is / was 2 old or something like that?
or vodafone-system is under maintenance or broken
am 13.03.2024 11:48
vodafone-system is under maintenance or broken -> i tried since 2 weeks ago and it always showing same error.
the activation code is / was 2 old or something like that? -> i did not receive any online register code for my new contract
currently meinVodafone is showing my old contract which has been cancelled.
what should i do next?
13.03.2024 12:25 - bearbeitet 13.03.2024 12:26
u can add your new contract into your existing account - but i think u'll need an activation code 2 do so.
normally it will be send out some days after the "auftragsbestätigung"