am 07.09.2022 11:21
Hello, I have been having issues with my router constantly for the past 3 months already and it has been getting VERY annoying, especially due to the home office situation.The router reboots, We can see the router lights going off and then restarting slowly, and its wi-fi also disappears. It happens 4-5 times a day. I hope it is OK to post messages in English, otherwise I am happy to use a translator app, as long as the issue gets resolved.
I have Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable contract with Vodafone EasyBox 805 router.
am 08.09.2022 11:35
Hello @starodekar,
of course it's ok to post here in English.
The community is now purely a customer-help-customer forum.
In your case an access to the customer data/connection is necessary.
The best way is to write to our service team on one of the following channels.
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