There is something wrong…


I've been using Vodafone internet since April '21. Since then I have my contract with vodafone and everything was running smoothly and without any (bigger) issues.


Two days ago my wifi suddenly stopped working, I have full signal but it won't load anything. On my laptop also shows full signal but with a little yellow exclamation mark (!). It says 'connected, no internet acess'.

I contacted Vodafone customer service and gave them information and everything what they needed (Kundennummer etc). They told me that they will forward everything to a 'Techniker' and that my problem will be solved.

Okay, when I finished that call I check my email and see that I got some new email from vodafone and it says 'Vertragszusammenfassung' with a PDF file with some new contract or whatever. And there is a button 'Jetzt bestätigen'. I will not confirm anything because...


I have my own contract from before! I made it on 20.04.2021 and its still valid until 19.04.2023 so I don't know why are you sending me some new contracts, I don't need any new special promotions or anything I just want my old internet access back!! Im paying my internet bill every month, so I deserve to use it. 

If you need I can send you pdf file of that new Vertragszusammenfassung that I got on my email.
 If you too would like to see what is going on with my internet access, and need my Kundennumer or whatever, say it I will deliver  everything you need.







1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen
8 Antworten 8

What kind of connection do you have? DSL over the telephone socket or cable Internet over the TV cable socket?

I have DSL connection.

Then use the network assistant to report the fault. You don't have to make a phone call for this.

Of course I already did that, both on the first and on the second day. It didn't change anything.


Hey dorde,

if you call the hotline regarding an incident this wont lead to any changes to the contract ( unless the router is out of guarantee and needs to be swapped) but this cannot be the case if the contract is from 2021.

Please try to do a factory reset of your fritzbox & reinter the modeminstallationcode.

If this won't fix it , feel free to send me a private message with your dslcustomernumber & mobilenumber.

Therefore click on my name/avatar -> then the big red button on the right side "sende diesem Nutzer eine private Nachricht".



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I tried to do factory reset. But when I try to reenter the Modeminstallationscode (MIC) I get this message: 


Der Einrichtungsvorgang wurde abgebrochen. Leider konnte die Einrichtung nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Grund: Zeitüberschreitung (Timeout) während des Einrichtungvorganges.


So I tried this several times and every time I get this message. So I sent you all my information in PrivateMessage. 

Thank you in advance. 🙂





Its fixed now. 

Thank you for your feedback. Then I'll close here now. If you have any questions or concerns, simply open a new post in the appropriate board.