




Regarding Activation Date for DSL New Connection

Hello @members,

I have taken a new Vodafone DSL Internet Connection and at the time of application I requested for installation or activate date of 01st Feb (date of shifting to the new address) but in the Welcome Letter I see Vodafone will activate the connection by 08th Feb 2024. 

So I would like to know :-

1. If the connection will be activated only on 8th feb 2024 or even before?

2. Is there a way I can reach out to Vodafone's English Support via email or call where I can request them for an activation on 01st feb ?

3. Did anyone experience that the activation date is the max possible date for the activation and Activation happens much before. e.g. if I try to setup my DSL router on 01st Feb are there any chances that the connection will work.


I am concerned because this delay in Activation will obviously impact my work from home as without internet it's impossible to work.




1 Antwort 1

The DSL connection, regardless of the provider, always runs through Deutsche Telekom. Every reseller rents space there. Therefore, Vodafone cannot arrange for earlier activation because this always depends on DTAG and its technician availability.
You can only arrange for it to be postponed to a later date; it is not possible to bring it forward. DTAG informs Vodafone of the earliest possible appointment and Vodafone passes this on to the customer, i.e. you.
There is no English-language support via the hotline because the contract and support language is German. You can try via WhatsApp (01721217212), but as far as I know, ToBi doesn't speak English either.