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am 03.01.2023 14:18
Hello. I received an EasyBox modem but have not received a welcome letter, so I don't have the installation code for my EasyBox. No chance to ask support - they don't speak English. At MeinVodafone I also can't select my modem - the field doesn't active.
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am 04.01.2023 14:48
Hey DimkaupmL,
the router will only be sent , once we have a confirmed activation date.
Normally in a way that it arrives roughly a week before activation.
In this case the welcomeletter was already sent - otherwise the router would not be shipped.
If we have a confirmed mailadress, please check your inbox including the spamfolder.
You can't order a new modeminstallationcode in "Mein Vodafone" as long as the landline is not activated.
Please get in touch with the customersupport. For example via Facebook or Twitter.
You'll get help in english there.