am 30.03.2024 09:54 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 01.04.2024 14:43 von Mav1976
I have ordered a new DSL at home using check24 app, I have received a link via email from Vodafone but I can't see anything when I open it.
How can I connect my accounts?
*** @Yoshevski, thread moved from Plauderecke to DSL board! ***
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 31.03.2024 15:57
Please get in touch via our WhatsApp chat on 0172 1217212
am 31.03.2024 11:59
Hi, our customer support can help you. Please contact us via WhatsApp.
am 31.03.2024 15:56
Hi @MariaK thank you for the answer, where can I find the whatsapp number?
am 31.03.2024 15:57
Please get in touch via our WhatsApp chat on 0172 1217212