Appointmetn for New DSL connection

Hi, In 3 day I should have my DSL Connection active (booked more than 2 weeks ago) with Wifi, router and everything working but I don't think that will happen because:


- I still haven't received any confirm from vodafone or telekom about the appointment.

- Still haven't received the router


any thoughts?







Edit @LAZAAR Moved to the correct DSL board. BR, DanyG

1 Antwort 1

Hi George,


welcome to the Vodafone community. Smiley (fröhlich) And nice to hear, that you decided for a new DSL contract.


There can be many reasons, why you didn't receive the router and an appointment with a technician yet. In first step we have to clarify, if the ordered line is available at your address (line check is made by Telekom) and if there are enough free ports for your apartment. When everything is fine, we'll send you an email with a link to tell us your preferred date for the activation. Did you already receive this email? If not, it is possible that there are no free ports available.


Let's have a closer look on your order. Do you have an order- or customer number? Then please send me a private message with that number and your customer data (name, address and birth date).




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