WLAN problem



I have a easybox 804 router since 2017. Everything was fine but since a few days I have a WLAN problem. All my device connect to it and I have internet but after some time, the internet stops and it says "connected, no internet". I need to disconnect and reconnect again and it worrks for another time (10 minutes to an hour). I tried restarting, rebooting, reinstalling the factory settings. Nothing have worked. The problem is the same on the 2 laptops and 2 phones we have at home.  if I plug in a cable (LAN), everything is fine. 

I would like to know if it there is something to do or get a new router...

I work from home and it is problematic for the skype calls.





3 Antworten 3

Hi @Julien_F ,


I am sorry that you have difficulties connecting. Verlegener Smiley


the quality of the WLAN can be negatively influenced by many external factors.


In addition to the structural characteristics of the apartment, this also includes, for example, electrical appliances in the vicinity or the neighbors' WLAN networks.


In multi-family houses in particular, the various WLAN networks can get in each other's way.


You can find tips for optimizing your WLAN here:

Everything about WLAN 


If the WLAN performance of the EasyBox is not sufficient, the use of WLAN repeaters may help. As an alternative to the EasyBox, we also offer the FritzBox 7530 or 7590.


Of course, you can also use any other compatible router.


Best regards,

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Thank you for your answer. 

However, we have the same setup since 3 years and nothing have changed. Therefore I do beleive that I have a problem with the router. 

Is it possible to have an exchange for free ?  





Hi Julien_F,


let's see what I can do for you. Please send me a private message with your customer number and password (alternatively name, address and birth date of the contract owner).




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