No Internet from July 15 to August 9th

My name is Tomasz Jozwicki Kundennummer ***. There was a fire in my building which cause Internet/TV outage from July 15 to August 9th. I was told I will be refund for this period of time. Ticket for the Stoerung was open ***. 
Please, let me know if there is anything else you need from me.

Edit: @TJozwicki  Deleted your personal data and moved to thr right board. Best regards Tina

6 Antworten 6

Hello TJozwicki,


to check this I will need your customer number, address and date of birth. Send me those details via private message and answer again in this thread.


Kind regards,


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Hello TJozwicki,


I still need your address. Reply in this thread after you sent it via PM.


Kind regards,


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Hello, TJozwicki,


in the meantime the colleagues have exchanged the cable router for you. Has this brought anything?


Best regards Fred

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pfalzring 51 bobenhaim-roxheim

yes, the internet speed improved. Thank you


Hello TJozwicki,


I've just created a credit for the entire monthly contribution.

Due to the processing time, it may happen that the credit note appears on the next but one invoice.


Best Regards Martin

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