My cable modem reboots itself at same time every day

Sorry, I do not speak Deutsche. I will write in English.
My modem is CH7466CE- .
Since about 2 weeks it reboots itself every day without any reason. It reboots at the same time every day most of days at 16:30 but sometimes also at 21:30 or 11:30 or some other time xx:30. Some days it reboots 1 time, sometimes several times per day. But always at xx:30 minutes.
Event starts first with loosing of wifi. All wifi devices first lose connection with modem. Wifi icon disappear on their screen. Meantime all devices connected by LAN continue to receive internet . One is TV box. It continue streeming TV image normally. After couple of minutes or more the LAN devices also lose connection to the modem. Then modem reboots for several minutes and all devices (wifi and LAN) start receiving internet again.
My problem looks same like problem reported by user icarus82 in article "Approx. 1x daily unplanned reboot of the router" . However that article finish without any solution.
This problem make me crazy. Should I change the modem?
Please help.

5 Antworten 5

Hi Gendov,


please send me a PN with your name, address, date of birth and customer number.


Please let me know here when you have sent the message.


Many greetings, Martin

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Dear Martin

My name: xxxxxx
Home phone: xxxxxxx
DoB: xxxxxx
Customer number: xxxxxx
Contract number: xxxxxxxx
Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
(Vodafone distribution box is on Uberseeallee 6 , other entrance in same building)


Modem continue restarting . But not at the same time. It restarted yesterday at 0:33,15:47 and 18:30. Today at 6:24. It looks it is not same time but different.

I calculate time of restarting from current time and time in:
Router » Cable Modem » Device Information - System time up. (since last restarting. 


I have 3 devices connected by LAN - Yamaha Audio Receiver, Philips Hue bridge, MAG 245 TV box for receiveing TV over internet. Rest devices are connected by WIFI.


Edit: personal data removed / Martin59


Hi Gendov,


please never post personal information publicly.


If you had clicked on PN in my previous answer, the data would only have reached us moderators in the forum.


I have just had a look at your connection and would like to send a technician to you. Unfortunately the signal values for the upstream do not fit.


Please send me a ->PN  <- with your mobile phone number and the information if the access to the house system can be established.


Best regards, Martin

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Hi Gendov,

can you call the super and ask how fast he can unlock the room?

If the technician can't reach the amplifier, it can happen that your connection can't be suppressed.

Best regards, Martin.

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Hello Gendov,

I have just sent the order to the technicians, they will contact you to arrange a suitable date.


Best regards, Martin

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