am 01.08.2019 22:30 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.08.2019 08:26 von Thomas
I have an internet connection for 1.5 years. I was supposed to get 100 Mbps. I am not even getting 5 Mbps most of the times and also I see the connection gets disconnected frequently (its big problem when you download some file and due to disconnection it has to start again).
I complained about it many times but there was no use. Every time when I complain about my internet speed you people made it even more worse for me like changing the meinkabel to DSL and again DSL to meinkabel but there was no result.
I was given many appointments. Which were canceled from vodafone people at the last moment.
Normally If there was an appointment and customers were not there in the house you people charge around 50 euros. Does it not apply to you people, cancelling the appointments at last moment.
I immediately want a solution either you fix the speed or please cancel the contract immediately.
Edit: @Dinesh moved in to the right board.
am 02.08.2019 15:31
Hello Dinesh,
which router do you have from us? I don't know a 7690 like that.
Please send me a PM with your customer data (name, address, customer number and date of birth).
Then contact me here again when you have sent me the data.
Please do not send unsolicited PMs to the moderators in the future. These will not be answered.
Best regards
am 02.08.2019 16:33
Hi Moni,
I have been complaining from 1 year through emails and calls but nothing is getting worked and I am seriously irritated. Everbody just leaving the issue in the middle by saying some stories.
So let's try again. I sent you pm
am 02.08.2019 16:37
Hi Moni,
Also, please confirm if you received by private pm.
am 04.08.2019 21:14
Hello, Dinesh,
apparently there was a problem with the signal. Since Saturday the signal is fine again. How does the download behave? Were the restrictions around the clock?
Best regards Fred
am 05.08.2019 19:28
There were restrictions around the clock. Suddenly it gets disconnected and after sometime, it connects again. And also there was too much variance in internet speed. Most of the times it goes below 10mbps. Please fix it soon.
am 06.08.2019 20:51
Hey @Dinesh,
well, i could send you an technician, he will check the line on your site - could you send me a mobilenumber via private message?
08.08.2019 13:45 - bearbeitet 08.08.2019 13:52
Hallo tobias,
I sent my mobile number. Confirm if you received it. Please send the technician as soon as possible. Even now there are many frequent disconnections. Although the technician comes at that point of time he will do something and after he left the problem will be the same. I faced this for 2 times now from past 1.5 years. So please do a permanent fix. If you cant make cancel the contract. I can't keep you writing private emails here like a mad person without any result.
Even now you can see the speed. I attached here. It's very frustrating.
am 10.08.2019 13:20
Hi Dinesh,
The technician will contact you soon to make an appointment.
am 14.08.2019 22:06
Hi Wallace,
The technician came but it's of no use. He just went to the cellar. He couldn't do anything there. Later He said that "he has to check the internet in another flat in the same building". He even asked me to go to their flat and ask them when they will be free? I tried to contact them but they were not responding. What is this? why I have to run for other flats for my internet connection?
I am fed up now. Every time saying new stories but nothing is working out. If you cant fix it cancel the contract and don't say useless stories every time.
At least have some common sense and fix the problem immediately. I am complaining about my connection from 1.5 years but of no use.