Ipv4 sites/services do not work. Total support ignorance.

Since 3.12.2019 none of ipv4 services or websites is not loading at all. ipv6 services ( all google services, Netflix) are working normally.

I reported problem by phone on 05.12.2019. Support said that Technician Specialist would call me in 2 days in the one-hour time frame on Saturday. Noone ever called


I still have no internet and open ticket about this fault.

I cannot be connected to a technician by phone because of autoresponse robot hungs up since I have an open ticket already. But the robot does not understand that this ticket action due date is in the past.


So as result: I have no access to ipv4 internet that is still most of the Web and no help from vodafone


1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen
Hi ERFD, thank you for your response!
Luckily Vodafone support resolved the issue, but it took one week 

Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen

3 Antworten 3


  • Welchen Vertrag hast Du? Red Internet & Phone Young 200 Cable
  • Welches Modem/ Router nutzt Du? FAST 5460
  • Nutzt Du ein Leih-Gerät von uns oder hast Du ein eigenes Gerät? von Vodafone
  • Welcher Fehler tritt auf?  ipv4 services/websites are not loading
  • Wie ist Dein Endgerät mit dem Modem verbunden? WAN
  • Welchen Browser verwendest Du normalerweise?  Safari, Chrome
  • Welches Betriebssystem hast Du auf Deinem Rechner? Mac, PS4
  • Beginn und Zeitraum der Störung? Seit 3.12.2019
  • Lade dazu noch einen Screenshot von den Signalwerten hoch. Diese findest Du in der Benutzeroberfläche Deines Kabelrouters über http://kabel.box bzw. über http://fritz.box bei der Fritzbox.  - Router says that it's connected to internet.

Hello, Sergio3,


I'd like to check out your connection. Please send me your customer number, address and date of birth by private message.


If the IPv4 network is not reachable, the PSN should not be connected to the PS4. Is this the case? Please set a ping to a v4 and v6 address.


Best regards Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!
Hi ERFD, thank you for your response!
Luckily Vodafone support resolved the issue, but it took one week