am 18.06.2020 11:10
Hi, I usually access either a hotpost or a homespot that seem to generate from the building where I lived.
If I search in your hotspot finder I do indeed find the 2 mentioned in the title as being active in my building.
Neither of these has been visible in my list of available wifi networks in over a week now. I'm not sure what's going on, since they still result active in your finder.. If anyone could help please cause this is the only reason why I use this service.
WLAN Name: Vodafone Hotspot
Hotspot ID: HH-3-5387728
WLAN Name: Vodafone Hotspot
Hotspot ID: HH-3-3422464
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 18.06.2020 17:16
both of them are online and looking good, i dont know why they arent shown in your wifi connection overview,- it could be something on them, but at this point we cant help actually because we cant do anything on these spots, if you are the owner of one of them it would be no problem to check them / and take further steps.. 😞
am 18.06.2020 17:16
both of them are online and looking good, i dont know why they arent shown in your wifi connection overview,- it could be something on them, but at this point we cant help actually because we cant do anything on these spots, if you are the owner of one of them it would be no problem to check them / and take further steps.. 😞