High Packet Loss

I have an Internet & Phone 1000 Cable plan, and I'm seeing a high packet loss with occassional Router restarts (around once a day).
I can't really tell when the problem started, but at least more than a month ago.

- The Router is a TG3442DE (leased from Vodafone), in BridgeMode.
- Local LAN traffic is Ok (0%).
- I can reproduce the >1% packet loss when connecting directly to the router.
- All test have been done on cabled devices. (no WLAN).

Please, I would need some advise on technical solutions or on a better ISP. Thanks!

Vodafone.de: https://pasteboard.co/IxXCCaI.png
Google.com: https://pasteboard.co/IxXClQY.png

LAN: (local traffic) https://pasteboard.co/IxXCN9N.png

11 Antworten 11

Hi Claudia, how is your weekend going?

Well "the usual" is high packet loss, some router restarts and bad streaming/voip experience.
I don't think we want "the usual", I think you meant make it work as it should.

So would you create another ticket for me, please? Last one was closed again. I'm printing them so i can either do a nice piece of art, or claiming money back, or just cancelling the contract, haven't decided yet.



Hi Pindulfo,


I opened a new ticket. I hope my colleagues can locate the troublemaker now.


Best Regards, Manu

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