Faulty line or dsl modem
Hello, i have had my dsl line and easybox now for 9 months. My line is very bad and will dissconnect upto 20 times per day. The line also goes very slow at times. When the engineer first came to connect the easybox he.said that there was a fault and he had to change something. I have put up with this to date but i now pay for tv through the dsl which is unwatchable due to this fault. I have reset my box 5/6 times and still no change. can you please look into this.
1 Antwort 1

Hi Aaron2246,

sorry for my late reply.

Has the issue been solved now?
Otherwise feel free to send me a private message.
Therefore click on my name , then "Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden" on the right side.

I need your dsl customer number (most likely beginning with 0019) and your current mobilenumber for the technician.

Kind regards,

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