DSL - no technician, no connection!

Hi everyone,


I hope there's someone who can help me because I'm losing my mind! 


I had an appointment for the installation of the DSL-line two days ago but nobody came. I tried to contact the customer service via chat/WhatsApp/Facebook and basically, they told me that sometimes the technician doesn't need to come into the apartment so I tried to install the router following the instructions, but the led is still blinking. I went to a Vodafone shop yesterday and the guy called the customer service for me since I don't speak german. He told me that everything was fine and that I should try one more time with the installation. And guess what? The router is permanently blinking.


On Facebook, someone answered me asking my phone number to open a "technical ticket" but as you can imagine I'm still waiting. 


I'm so disappointed and tired, I need this DSL line because I'm working at home! 


Any suggestion is highly appreciated. 


Have a nice evening,



1 Antwort 1

Hi PamelaP,


I'm sorry that you can not use your DSL connection yet.


On our social media channels it takes some time until we can answer due to a lot of messages.


I assume that my colleagues already got back to you and opened a technical ticket.


If not, you can send a private message to me. I need your name, customer number and mobile phone number.




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