Compal CH7466CE problem - restarts randomly

Dear Vodafone,

for almost 4 - 6 months my Compal CH7466CE (Firmware version router restarts randomly. I lose connectivity for almost 5 mins in each restart. On an average it restarts 4 -5 times a day. This is annoying.


I tried to follow some of the threads here and tried to the following actions before reporting it here (but nothing did solve the problem yet):

1. Changing the 2.4 and 5 Ghz channel manually to the best available channel

2. Hard resetting the router with button behind the router

3. Soft resetting the router via the router software


Could you please help me? While writing this problem I did a speed test immediately after a restart with my 2.4 Ghz connection - I have a 50 Mbps connection but look at the result

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

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I updated the favourite frequency (with one of the frequencies available from the Downstream Bonded Channels - with Modulation 256qam) yesterday at 18:00 hours approximately - after which I think the modem/router has not restarted. This looks promising.


Please see the screenshot of modem/system uptime below. I will keep this thread updated -if my modem does not restart again within 24 hours - I will close this thread.


For people out there this could be the SOLUTION - change the favourite frequency in Router-> Cable Modem -> Configuration. 1. First you must get information about available frequencies (Hz) from Router-> Cable Modem -> Connection -> Downstream Bonded Channels - with Modulation 256qam. Keep note of your previous frequency if you want to revert back.Screenshot from 2019-06-23 10-38-53.png

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9 Antworten 9

I have attached the screenshots of my router connection :

1. Channel information of both 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz

2. Cable Modem Signal Information

3. Cable Modem Config frequency

Changing cable modem frequency will help ? if so which number should I put in there? After my first post, my modem got restarted again - this time I was connected straight via Ethernet  = No internet also via Ethernet when the connection drops. So the modem is completely restarting not just the wifi module is restarted. 😞




Hi pksec,


do you use WiFi only?


What happens when the Router starts new? Are all lights off and then on again?


Best Regards, Manu

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Have you ever tried another power supply?


@Manu :  No, I use both wifi and ethernet - when the router restarts - all lights turn off, even when you are connected via Ethernet during this period you lose connectivity.


@Janni-D : No, I have not yet tried a new power supply. Do you think this could be a problem? I do not have another power supply, but I will check.


A general question - based on my screenshots do you think "The Signal" received by my modem is good, and there is no problem in the signal received?


I updated the favourite frequency (with one of the frequencies available from the Downstream Bonded Channels - with Modulation 256qam) yesterday at 18:00 hours approximately - after which I think the modem/router has not restarted. This looks promising.


Please see the screenshot of modem/system uptime below. I will keep this thread updated -if my modem does not restart again within 24 hours - I will close this thread.


For people out there this could be the SOLUTION - change the favourite frequency in Router-> Cable Modem -> Configuration. 1. First you must get information about available frequencies (Hz) from Router-> Cable Modem -> Connection -> Downstream Bonded Channels - with Modulation 256qam. Keep note of your previous frequency if you want to revert back.Screenshot from 2019-06-23 10-38-53.png

If one or more capacitors are faulty, the voltage is no longer smoothed and the voltage level drops, so that the router shuts off. If it has switched off, the voltage rises again, the router turns back on. You can use a normally power supply with 12V/ approximately1,5 -2 or more Ampere... But have a look at the polarisation from the plug....


Hi pksec,


did you have any restarts in the last time? If so, please send me your name, address, customer number and date of birth in a PM. So I can have a look.


Best Regards, Manu

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@Manu : after updating the favourite frequency - my modem has not restarted. I checked this morning the status of my modem (System Uptime was 1 day - 15 hours).  Thanks for the offer, but I do not need it now - everything is back to normal.


So updating the favourite frequency has fixed my problem. I will accept that as the solution of my problem and close this thread. But, I wonder why no other thread was talking about it (may be I did not do a thorough search). 


Hi pksec,


I will close the thread, as you cannot do this.


So if there are any issues somewhen, sign in again.


Best Regards, Manu

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