- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Hello everyone, I have a mobile phone contract that was signed last year and expires somewhere around the 11th month of 2020.
I have moved out of Germany, back to my country but did not cancel the contract because I couldn't.
The number I have is no longer working anymore in the phone "no service". And I can't log in to mein vodafone anymore due to app store country change.
I would like to cancel my contract when it expires so it does not get automatically renewed.
I cannot phisically go to Germany at the moment, nor in the near future. Especially now with the Corona virus outbreak all over Europe.
There is an option online to cancel the contract at the end of the contract but when I click it it says:
"An error has occurred. Please select a participant. This is how you reach the desired page."
And when I click it it just refreshes.
Also i can't call the vodafone help number because guess what, the sim card doesn't work here for some reason.
( roaming and everything is on )
Basically my SIM cards don't work anymore, the customer papers I had have been burned by my ex girlfriend due to her being an apsolute nightmare. ( we lived in Germany together ). I can't login to MeinVodafone. The only thing I can do is use the website using my e-mail info. I can see my bills and everything but I cannot cancel the contract when it ends. And I REALLY don't want it to extend after I pay the final check.
I haven't even been using any of the vodafone services for half a year now.
So, my question is. Is there ANY way to cancel the contract when it ends? ( I do plan to pay everything online as I have until now untill the end of the contract ). Without phisically going to Germany. Cause that is simply not an option!
Thank you.
@BranimirKC edit by Matthes (Mod): please pay attention to choose the correct board selection, moved from "Internet, Telefon & TV über Kabel"
am 22.03.2020 13:24
If you can access your bills, all the needed information is in there.
The bills should also state the minimum contractual term (which usually is 24 months - thus I'd suspect that you may cancel to Nov 2020 if you signed the contract on Nov 2019), the customer number and the adress where to send your cancellation to.
Thus you can write a cancellation letter by mail requesting to cancel all your contracts stating the customer number (and maybe also a list of telephone numbers if there are multiple numbers or contracts attached to this customer number) in German language(!) and send it to Vodafone.
You may also use the contract form online for this - but same applies, please send it in German as German is sole contractual language. Cancellation requests in other languages might get ignored if the employee is not able to understand what you want.