am 10.02.2019 08:34
ich habe vor weinachten mit einer vom der online fillale gesprochen uber eine tarifwechsel. jetzt habe ich zwei kundennummer und zwei vertrag für die gleich internet anschluss. ich habe gefragt ob muss ich bezahlen für die nachsten jahr mit eine vertrag, er hat gesagt nein, ich muss nicht doppel bezahlen. das war mein erst und letzt frage auf dem telephone
nah ja, habe ich jetzt zwei kundennummer und zwei rechnung. kann einer vom Vodafone mich helfen?
am 10.02.2019 09:27
just saw i can write in english and people will generally respond.
so before christmas i phoned the internet-filiale and asked about upgrading my contract, as ive had the same one for almost 3 years. no problem he said, and talked me through it. i asked in the beginning if i needed to pay out the rest of my old contract since im changing, no he said. so happy days, faster internet, lower price and a few other bonuses.
now its february and im still paying my old contact. there is nothing online that im cancelling it and it says i can only cancel it next february. wow great. so i have to pay twice for my internet connection at home.
can anything be done by the moderators there, at least to either cancel my new or old contract or do something, anything? it was bad enough forking out 50 quid a month already, i wanted to reduce my costs not to increase them 😞
Cheers for any help you can give.
am 11.02.2019 08:45
Hi fowleyc,
let's take a look. Send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address in a private message.
Then reply again here in the post.
am 11.02.2019 13:50
ive sent that.
am 12.02.2019 09:31
Hi fowleyc,
the old contract is now terminated. You will get a confirmation.
am 12.02.2019 11:04
Hi Thomas,
Thanks a million 🙂
One final thing, I dont see my new contract (with the new kundenummer) online. Do i have to register again with an activations code and make a new account? or how do i do that?
to be honest i just want to make sure i set up the direct debit to pay the bill when it arrives and not end up in arrears.
am 12.02.2019 11:06
and one last last thing, can i give the old router back in a vodafone kabel shop?
am 12.02.2019 11:17
For the first one i got my new contract up. eveything sorted.
Thanks a million for all the help. I'm very satisified with the way this worked out
am 13.02.2019 07:49
Hi Cirian,
you need to register the new contract. You will find the activation code on the order confirmation.
You will receive a cancellation confirmation. There you will find the address for returning the hardware. Please do not hand it in at a shop.