Terminate my internet cable contract


My customer number is: xxx
I would like to cancel my internet cable contract at the end of contract period 03/03/2019 ..
Please consider my request and cancel my contract Without Further extension, so that it is not renewed automatically.
Please send me the confirmation email of my contract cancellation to xxx

or cancellation letter to my address.

Waiting for your reply




Edit: It is never a good idea to post your personal details openly on the internet for anyone to see and possibly abuse, @reddy3007.

1 Antwort 1

Sorry to tell, but this is a moderated customers-help-customers-forum and NOT an official way to reach Vodafone!


Please also note that the sole contractual language is German, so you need to write your Cancellation ("Kündigung") in German -AND- you need to send it to Vodafone using any of the official contact ways, e.g. using a letter -or- using the contact form within the customer self service portal.


Cancellations written inside the Forum MAY be processed by the staff, but they MUST NOT be processed. And cancellations written here are NOT in any form legally binding for Vodafone - so Vodafone does not have to accept them.