




ENGLISH Completed contract cancellation but it has gone from 21 euros to 51 euros????

Good day all,


So I cancelled my contract around two months ago and as per usual It will run for another 3 months until 17/12/2018. But for some reason my contract option has changed and It has went from 21 euros per month to around 47 euros in october and now 52 euros in november... I dont understand if this is something I wasnt informed of,  some hidden costs with a contract termination or a system failure. Is there any chance to get a refund?


Also when I check out my termination info it shows this...

End of contract:17/12/2018

Contract number:***

Termination Status:in processing... Does this mean It is not fully completed and I risk having to pay for janurary or??


Best Regards,



Edit: @momoaa444 deleted personal data and moved to the right board.

1 Antwort 1

There are multiple possiblilities:

A) There were discounts that ran out because they were only applied for a limited time -and- you reached that time in October. This usually happens after 12 or 24 months and has nothing to do with your cancellation.

B) There were discounts that have been deleted because of your cancellation...

C) You have used any services not included in your flat rates (e.g. calling lines abroad, calling service hotlines or similar)

In each of these cases, there is no chance to get a refund...


You may check your invoices for any kind of discounts that are not applied any more.


And if your contract ends in December:

There might be a final invoice in January that lists all the remaining costs (as usually your invoice period is not identical to your contractual period - e.g. your invoice period may end on December 15th, then your final invoice will state only for the 16th and 17th december).