am 03.03.2020 22:04
In December I went to a shop to setup a kabel connection. The contract was setup and everything was ok.
However the sales person at the store apparently signed me up for GigaTV which I did not want, ask for or signed any contract for. I sent a cancellation email but it was unfortunately declined. So I now have a service I will never use or signed for.
How can I terminate this so that it is not auto-renewed after the year finishes? I would like to send the termination notice as soon as possible to not need to deal with this again later this year.
Thanks for your help.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 14.04.2020 15:14
Hello Evleo,
I took care of the cancellation. You'll receive confirmation separately.
Best regards
am 05.03.2020 13:46
Hi Evleo,
there's no TV package but just an internet contract in your customer account.
am 07.04.2020 13:41
Hi Stephan,
Thanks for helping. Actually there is a giga tv associated with my customer account as I see it in the portal. However I cannot find any way on the portal to send a termination. Maybe it isnt visible as I havent ever used it? I can share more information in a private message if that would help.
08.04.2020 20:32 - bearbeitet 14.04.2020 15:07
Hello Evleo,
I found another customer number. I will send it to you by PN. There you have GigaTV since december 2019 and since 3rd of april 2020 also internet & phone. Your first name is misspelled.
Best regards
am 14.04.2020 15:14
Hello Evleo,
I took care of the cancellation. You'll receive confirmation separately.
Best regards
am 15.04.2020 11:37
All received. Thank you for the support.