25.08.2018 11:26 - bearbeitet 25.08.2018 11:29
I took a Vodafone cable DSL contract and unfortunately, I was asked to renter my IBAN from the customer support.
However, I did not want to give my IBAN telephonically
But she sent me a contract form and I guess I accidentally terminated my contract.
My intentions were not to cancel the contract.
Can you guys support this case? I DO NOT want to cancel it.
Open a private chat so I can share information about the contract and customer number.
am 26.08.2018 17:13
Hi @drudgebay,
let me have a look.
Please send me your customer data via pm.
I'll check your account and will give you a response asap.
Best regards,
am 30.08.2018 19:29
I do not know why I am not able to send any message to you.
Is it okay to give you customer number here?
am 01.09.2018 13:18
Hey drudgebay,
Norman is out of office till monday.
Feel free to send me a private message.
Therefore please click on my name/avatar -> then on the right side "Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden".
I will have a look into your customer account
Please don't post any personal infos in this public thread - only via PM.
Best regards,
am 03.09.2018 15:38
Hi drudgebay,
please send me for data comparison also your name and the address by private message.
am 04.09.2018 10:26
Hi All,
I guess new contract was initiated and it is working. I have my router with me and internet is fine.
We can close this ticket.
am 05.09.2018 14:28
Hey drudgebay,
thanks for the feedback.
I'll close this thread.
Glad everything is working now.
Best regards;