am 25.01.2021 13:32
pardon my German
ich habe ein problem, die internet lamp is rot, und ich kann nicht die VertragslaufZeit sehen, ich glaube es gibt ein problem mit meine konto.
wenn ich bei die VertragsDetails Seite es gibt dass:
Die Anzeige Deiner Vertragslaufzeit ist aus technischen Gründen leider nicht möglich. Weitere Infos findest Du in Deinen Vertragsunterlagen.
(I have installed the router as the instructions since last night, the red internet lamp is blinking, when i go to the details of the router page i see "Docsis offline" is my contract up and running? I'm not sure what's wrong"
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 27.01.2021 11:46
Thanks for your reply.
Turned out I was plugging the cable in the wrong dose, as the instructions said that I should use "multimedia dosenaufsatz" with the box in the wall, so the box was old and didn't work but when i just plugged the cable in another box in the apartment that didn't need the "multimedia dosenaufsatz" it worked like charm!
am 27.01.2021 09:25
Hello B_Wissa,
no problem, you can write to us in English. I will gladly take a look at your connection. Please send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address by private message.
Please contact me again here in the thread.
Best regards
am 27.01.2021 11:46
Thanks for your reply.
Turned out I was plugging the cable in the wrong dose, as the instructions said that I should use "multimedia dosenaufsatz" with the box in the wall, so the box was old and didn't work but when i just plugged the cable in another box in the apartment that didn't need the "multimedia dosenaufsatz" it worked like charm!
am 28.01.2021 17:19
Hi B_Wissa,
that's great. Thanks for the feedback. I will close the thread with this.
Best regards