- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Hello, in June 2019 I moved in with my girlfriend to a new apartment and she decided to bring her old contract (internet + tv) with her. Unfortunately, the technician told us he needed to drill the wall and the ceiling of the basement to install the cables but the landlord did not agree with that. The technician told me to make a new contract which only uses the landline so he wouldn't need to drill anywhere. He also told me my girlfriend's contract was going the get canceled automatically the moment he lets Vodafone know that he couldn't make the installation. I did make the new contract, and I did get the new service installed (with the regular landline). But the old contract was never canceled. The problem is we noticed this until January. We visited a shop and got a letter written by one staff member addressed to „Kundenservice“ explaining the situation, and asking for the cancelation of the contract (and hopefully a reimbursement). We sent the letter via post (as we were told so), but nothing happened, the money keeps getting wired from her bank account. The „Kundenservice“ couldn't help us on the phone (even though my girlfriend does speak German). Looking forward to hearing from you.
(Please find attached the letter)
-J Echavarria.
edit: Attachment deleted. Please do not write personal data in open Forum. Everybody can see your Name and your Adress.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 07.04.2020 16:11
Hi JEchavarria,
thanks for the dm with all the info.
Unfortunately there was a huge mistake which I have to apologize for. The whole moving process wasn't handled properly.
In the first step you'll get an confirmation that the cable contract is cancelled today. The next step is to credit all fees from June 2019 until now and to reimburse this credit on your bank account.
This will take some time bit will definitely happen.
am 31.03.2020 11:05
Hi JEchavarria,
just for clarification: Which contract should have been cancelled? And what kind of contract (DSL, Calble) is it?
- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Hello and thank you for your prompt reply. The contract that should have been canceled is ***. It was cable (hence the reason it couldn't be installed in our apartment), and it included TV and internet. I may also send you (privately) the letter I mentioned before because it apparently was deleted from my post for data protection reasons. Best regards, Jorge
Edit: @JEchavarria personal Data removed.
am 03.04.2020 15:27
Hi JEchavarria,
let's take a look. Send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address in a private message.
Then reply again here in the post.
am 03.04.2020 15:59
Hi Thomas, I have sent you the information as requested. Kind regards, Jorge.
am 04.04.2020 17:13
Hi Jorge,
unfortunately you forgot the address in the PM. We need that for the data reconciliation. Please send it to Thomas and then post here in the thread.
Best regards
am 04.04.2020 20:45
Hi Lars, yeah, I did forget, sorry about that. I already sent him a new message. Best regards, Jorge.
am 07.04.2020 16:11
Hi JEchavarria,
thanks for the dm with all the info.
Unfortunately there was a huge mistake which I have to apologize for. The whole moving process wasn't handled properly.
In the first step you'll get an confirmation that the cable contract is cancelled today. The next step is to credit all fees from June 2019 until now and to reimburse this credit on your bank account.
This will take some time bit will definitely happen.
am 09.04.2020 09:41
Dear Stephan, Thomas, and Lars,
I really appreciate your help. Thank you and stay safe.
Kind regards,
am 14.04.2020 10:44
Hello JEchavarria,
we're here to help. I'll close your thread.
Best wishes and stay healthy