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Good day.
Yesterday a salesman was to my apartment and he ring to our door.
He spoke with my 16 years daughter about where's the father or the mother.
She did say to him that is nobody at home and he leave.
When I arrived at home from my work I received 2 mails that I did ordered something from Vodafone.
I am for the last 5 years client of Kable Deutschland but I am not a client of Vodafone
and I did not ordered anything from them or my daughter.
I called yesterday, arround 19.00, and I spoke with customer service and I explained
that I didn't ordered anything from them, he did cancel ''my order'' but how can I order something when I go at 7:00 and I come back at 18:00?.
I also ask my daughter if she did sign anything for that salesman or did she say ''yes, we order this''.
She told me clearly that she didn't order anything from him, nor she didn't sign anything from him.
Today I did called again because I want to know the sales agent name because this is not a joke.
Offcourse nobody will give me the salesman name.
I want to speak with a manager or supervisor from Vodafone if is possible, otherwise I will contact my lawyer.
A fair warning, I will wait till 14.08.2018 for a contact from your company.
Edit: @yoshy262 thread moved to right board
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 10.08.2018 21:23
Hi yoshy262,
the colleague at the hotline did everything right and immediately took out the contract. In clarifying what led the consultant to create the contract, i initiated. As soon as we know something about it, you will get the information.
am 10.08.2018 21:29
Thank you again for your time.
Ok, I will wait for an answer how this is can be possible, I hope someone will clarify the situation...
Have a great weekend und es tut mir leid für die Kopfschmerzen.
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And the proof that I didn't pickup the package.
it is forbidden to film and upload other persons without their permission. That´s we I deleted the video from our forum. Boris
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What's wrong with you?
Did you saw in that video any face?
In that video you can see only some feet and a package.
Deleted again - without permission no video and no audio. MS
- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Just wow.
Complain to youtube also, was a video without consent ***
see above, pls follow forum rules, MS
Edit 2:
Please observe the forum rules and the copyright of the things you link to here. Don't do this! Moderator
am 14.08.2018 14:10
Ok. I hope you guys have enough fun!
I did contact my layer today, I am waiting for his answer.
Till then I am still waiting for an Manager or Supervisor to contact me by e-mail or phone.
Have a great day.
am 14.08.2018 15:48
Hi yoshy262,
i already wrote you that I asked for a statement. There will be no call from a manager. For whatever reason. The contract is done and didn't even really come about. The employee will comment on this.
Why hire a lawyer now?
There are rules the users here in the forum must adhere to. If the video was made without the consent of the persons (regardless of whether the person is clearly identifiable), it may not be published. That's why it was removed here.
How other platforms handle it is not important to us. In any case, we are not the place for it.
14.08.2018 17:00 - bearbeitet 14.08.2018 17:03
Why hire a lawyer now?
Because I've lost half a day from my life trying to solve a f-up that I didn't do!
I work also with customers, instead of making my job I've spend whole morning on the phone with Vodafone.
I called from 9:01 til 13:35 and I was able to find an professional guy who did solve my issue.
For this reason at least I deserve a mail from an Vodafone representative
if a call is too much for them with a clarification for the whole situation.
If this is also too much then all I can do is to spend more time with this issue and going further with it.
I didn't ask for money or a reward, I did ask only for an explanation of all this messup, for this fraud,
but from am Vodafone representative.
Hope you understand this.
Have a nice evening.
am 15.08.2018 09:47
Hi yoshy262,
don't get me wrong, please. I can understand why you're angry. Believe me, I would be. But what does a mail or call from a manager change the situation? What do you want him to tell you?
I'll make sure the counselor takes a clear stand on the incident. That's all we can do in this case.
I would also like to apologize to you for the advisor. Even if I didn't cause it.
What is much more important, we were able to get it out of the way quickly and nothing worse happened.
am 15.08.2018 19:26
Hello Thomas, you do not need to apologize because it's not your fault.
So, today I did received an answer from my lawyer stating this 2 things:
1 - Was a a breach of confidentiality because I'm not a Vodafone customer and that salesman
did a contract on behalf of my name without my consent or approval.
2 - General Data Protection Regulation (short therm GDPR) :
Because agaim I'm not an Vodafone customer it is a regulation
that requires companies to protect the personal data and privacy of residents of EU countries.
At the moment that is all I can say on this matter.
My lawyer is in vacation till 2 September, he will contact me on third September.
And I did received today another mail from Vodafone but again I'm not a client:
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