Incorrect Invoice

Hi There,


    I (ONLY) have Vodafone internet and a GigaTV connection. I happen to see my billing sent for the month Oct 2019. I noticed that in addition to the Internet and GigaTV, EUR 3,99 is charged for Vodafone Sicherheitpaket and EUR 14,99 is charged for Red Internet & Phone. I DO NOT HAVE ANY ADDITIONAL PHONE CONNECTION from Vodafone. All I have is only internet and a GigaTV connection. I presume extra amount is charged also in the provious months. Kindly do the needful to reimburse the extra amount taken from my account for Oct'19 and the earlier months and also do the needful to correct the billing amount in your system.


I can send the details about my account details in a private message.


Thanks for your support in resolving this issue.





7 Antworten 7

Red Internet & Phone is your internet connection - if you did not opt for a Internet-only tariff (afaik there is only a 25 MBit/s Internet only tariff for end customers available, all other tariffs are Internet & Phone tariffs). The 14.99 € would be the reduced price of that internet connection (19.99 € - 5 € GigaKombi rebate) within the first year, it'll go up for the second year.


The 3.99 € for the security is for an optional security package that you could test for free for (I'm not completely sure) 3 months. You can cancel it with a 28 days notice period to the end of the month (if I remember right).


So just to be clear: You'll pay 9.99 € for the GigaTV, 14.99 € for the Internet (&Phone) in the first year and the 3.99 € for the security package (until it's cancelled).


And I doubt there will be a reimbursement for the security package if you didn't cancel it in time...




@reneromann has already explained it completely correctly. You have signed an Internet & Phone 400 contract. The security package was free for the first 2 months. If you don't want to use it any longer, we can deposit the cancellation for you.




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Hi Thomas, @reneromann,


    Thanks for the prompt reply. I appreciate it.


Request #1

Kindly cancel the security package immediately and do the needful to deposit the amount deducted for the security package so far and send me a confirmation.


Request #2

In addition to the fees mentioned below(i.e. Eur 9.99(GigaTV) + 14.99(Internet (&Phone) + 3.99 (security package)), I see that Eur 9.99 is charged under "Vodafone HD Premium cable" in the bill that I had received for Oct'19. I presume the same is also charged in the previous months. Kindly do the needful to cancel the same immediately and do the needful to reimburse the money that was deducted for the same.


Extract from @reneromann 's reply.


You'll pay 9.99 € for the GigaTV, 14.99 € for the Internet (&Phone) in the first year and the 3.99 € for the security package (until it's cancelled).


Question #1

Kindly let me know the amount (with spilt-ups) that I need to pay after the 1st year.


Question #2

Does the Internet & Phone 400 contract also includes a mobile connection? I was told by your Customer care executive(see details shared in the previous private messages sent by me) that this also include a mobile connection with free international calling option. But I have not received any information about the mobile connection.


Thanks for your answer in advance.





Hello RBEE,


I've cancelled the security package and HD Premium. We can't pay the previous fees.


You have the following contracts:


Red Internet & Phone 400 in the first 12 months 14,99 €, after that 44,99 €

GigaTV permanent for 9,99 €


You will find all costs in your order confirmation.


Best regards


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Hi Tina,


      Thanks for the feedback. But your feedback is incomplete. Unfortunately, the request #1, request #2, question #1, question #2 mentioned in my previous message is only partially answered. Kindly provide individual feedback for the same. It's bit frustrating to receive such an incomplete feedback after waiting for 1 day.


In one of the previous message on this topic, I was told that the amount deducted would be refunded if I opt out of the package. Now you have mentioned that the amount deducted cannot be refunded. Why do I get different feedback from different customer support executives ? It's really disappointing to see complete different messages/instructions from different Vodafone Customer support executives. Can you explain me why can't Vodafone refund this money?


There are surprises after surprises everytime after I contact Vodafone regarding my contract. You mentioned that I need to pay Red Internet & Phone 400 in the first 12 months 14,99 €, after that 44,99 € and GigaTV permanent for 9,99 € and I will find all costs in your order confirmation. This is a again real big surprise for me. I had no clue on the fees that I need to pay for the 1st year and there after. The amount 44,99 € mentioned by you is not at all agreed with me and TILL DATE I HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE ORDER CONFIRMATION that you have mentioned. I do not understand how can Vodafone confirm the order and charges these amounts even without my knowledge. Looks like Vodafone has clever sales persons who can put Customers like me into a fradulent and intransparent contracts. This is NOT acceptable for me. PLEASE CANCEL ALL THE CONTRACTS THAT I HAVE WITH VODAFONE AND SEND ME A CONFIRMATION ON THE CANCELLATION and let me know, if I need to pay any money to come out of this intransparent contract. 


Thanks in advance for your answer.




The Order confirmation documents are usually enclosed with the devices you've got per mail.

The only exception is if you did the contracts at a shop - there you should've got a copy of the signed contract.



I doubt that a reimbursement for the Security package for already written invoices is possible as you could've used the Security package. As it is not traceable if you did or not, you'll have to pay for that service that you have been given, even if you did not use it at all.


Next thing is the 14.99 to 44.99 shift:

It is normal and it is also online readable that the 19.99 € price (for you effective 14.99 € due to the 5 € GigaKombi discount) is only valid for the first 12 months and that you have to pay the full price of 44.99 € (might be effective 39.99 € due to the 5 € GigaKombi discount) from the 13th month until end of the contract.

Please also refer to the (old) official price lists here:


And for your cancellation:

Please note that you cannot cancel your contracts here within a users-help-users forum. You'll need to send an official cancellation request in German language (as German is the sole contractual language) using one of the "official" contact means, e.g. per postal service or the contact forms.


Hello RBEE,


we sent the order confirmation at the end of January 2019 and it was also delivered. We also have a signed order from 30th of january 2019. There all conditions and contract components are listed. We didn't write here that we refund the previous costs for the security package. The contract cannot be revoked.




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