am 10.02.2019 05:27
Hello, I was told I signed up for my contract a year ago that I could downgrade to the 100mbps plan after the introductory offer ended. I'm now being charged the full price for the 400mbps plan that I did not want in the first place. I've tried several times but when I log in to my account there is no option to choose the 100mbps plan. Would appreciate any help. Thank you.
am 11.02.2019 08:38
Hello artishard116,
welcome to our community. Nice to see you.
Send me the following informations in a private message:
full name
date of birth
customer number
Write a short reply here afterwards.
Best regards
am 11.02.2019 15:03
Sent, thank you
am 12.02.2019 17:47
Hi artishard116,
thanks for the pm.
We ordered the change for you. You will also get a written confirmation for that. The change will be made overnight at the latest.
am 16.02.2019 14:31
Hi artishard116,
I'll quote your PM:
Hello, thanks for your help with my issue. I received an email about the service change and in addition to the 100mbps plan it lists:
9,99 Euro Mobile & Euro-Flat
Can you tell me what that is?
You get the Flat for free in the course of the GigaKombi. The amount will be credited immediately on the invoice.
Best regards
am 16.02.2019 17:39
I'm sorry, I don't understand. I just want to know what 'Euro Mobile & Euro-Flat' is. Is it home phone service? I don't want that.
am 19.02.2019 14:38
Hi artishard116,
if you have a mobile phone contract and an Internet & Phone tariff from us, you can combine these. In return you get the Mobile & Euro Flat. The combination is free of charge for you.
am 14.06.2019 11:01
I still don't understand. I get charged 9.99 for this every month and it's something I don't want.
am 14.06.2019 17:07
As already this is a phone flat you got from us for free, because you have the cable internet contract and a mobile phone contract. This so called GigaKombi includes this phone flat für the cable tariff and a discount on your monthly bill for you mobile phone bill
Please read the invoice properly: you get a full discount for this phone flat.