Contracts combination

Hi Community,


I have Internet (100MB), Mobile (Smart L with Phone) & TV (Giga TV Premium) services, but the 3 of them are in separate contracts, the Mobile and Internet were initiated at the same time and now they are coming to its end (Dec 2019), the TV contract started later (Mar 2019), is there a way to combine them in order to use the advantages of the Giga Kombi packages?, I guessI could get some discounts or benefits if I have the Giga Kombi.


Thanks in advance for your support!




1 Antwort 1

Hello HugoTS,


basically, it has nothing to do with the combination itself, but with whether the respective tariff GigaKombi is justified. Maybe they already are.


What do you mean by "the contracts are coming to an end"? Did you quit?


Regards ^glk

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