Awful WiFi
Hi, can someone tell me how many times do I have to contact Vodafone to get a working internet ?
Have restored and restarted my router countless times, have it exchanged once nothing helps...
Anyone at Vodafone have heard that it’s 21 century and that they should change the routers that are at least 2-3 years old, not a decade old ?... ( of course normal company wouldn’t use even 2-3 year old routers but here we are speaking about Vodafone )
P.S how smart are the workers at Vodafone if they gave me an router that has 100mb connection ( Ethernet ) to my 400mb data plan ?....!!!!!!
Will someone fix this issue ?!!!
28 Antworten 28
So it’s probably my English because I just red all the messages and noticed that we are probably speaking about two different problems 🙂
My problem isn’t related to to many WiFi’s 🙂
My problem is that
#1 sometimes the router just cuts off WiFi, I’m even unable to find it if I’m next to it
#2 sometimes I have a perfect WiFi signal or almost perfect but there is no internet coming through it
#3 and sometimes it does both of these things together, firstly internet gets cut off, then there are no 5gHz network and then the whole WiFi goes down

That shouldn’t be a problem that’s related to to many WiFi’s ... 🙂

Hi fotoramic,


you were talking about the bandwidth through WiFi all the time an not about disconnects Smiley (gleichgültig)

I'm not sure what's the main problem. So we replaced your modem and it shows the exact same behaviour like the previous one. The connection looks good. In my opinon the reason is the used device. Did you check a different one?


Kind regards



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If you’re asking me then I think that now there are more problems than with previous router ... the devices that are having problems are iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone X, iPad Pro ( 2nd gen ), Apple TV, and I’ve tested the WiFi with friends windows PC ( some old one ), and pretty old Android phone , they also had the problem 🙂
Forgot to mention, the problem persisted through different iOS versions and we always use only latest official stable iOS versions 🙂

Hello fotoramic,


how many neighboring foreign WLAN networks are there in your area? If the WLAN connection breaks down, does it break off simultaneously on all devices in the household? On which frequencies are you currently connected?


Best regards Fred


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I have no idea how many ay wlans have neighbors and I don’t have to time to check that. The wlan goes down on everything at the same time ( sometimes some devices are online 5-10 min more because they done know that the router is down again 😄 ) that Includes , all iPhones, iPads, Apple TVs, iRobot, even a printer ... everything goes down sometimes as i said, there is a strong connection but no internet access sometimes the internet access goes down and after couple sec the WiFi isn’t discoverable on any device even 5cm from router 🙂 normally everything is back within a hour or a bit more 🙂 but it’s another couple minutes until devices reconnect automatically...

Hello fotoramic,


how you determine how many WLAN networks there are in the neighbourhood is quite simple 😉 You go to IPhone under Settings and then WLAN. And then you count all receivable networks except yours. Maybe they influence the reception.


Best regards Fred

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The WiFi just went down again, firstly all devices that were connected to 5ghz and then after a hour or so the 2.4 ghz WiFi went down too. The signal was good in both modes, the intersect just wasn’t being delivered. And after a while the WiFi wasn’t even seeable as in all previous times 🙂
At the moment I was unable to find my WiFi’s I checked all neighbor WiFi’s and there was 5 WiFi’s 🙂 after around 15 mins when my WiFi was back up and working fine there was 7 WiFi’s 🙂

Hello fotoramic,


that's a rather unusual problem. I made a task for an internal specialists department with all the information you gave us, maybe they have an idea what might be the source of that.


Kind regards


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Ok, and what does that mean to me ?, got some news, of course I’m paying for an unexisting internet because 40-50% of the time it’s down so that already nice but now I’ve noticed another thing, sometimes it’s super slow for coupe hours, I’ve made a Speedtest and the results were nice 5-6 Mbps and I’m paying 39.99 for that monthly, really ?!!!!!