Already made payment

I already made FULL payment on 19 Nov. I will not pay the extra 4,50euro that was charged to me on 23 Nov.



Edit:  Attachment removed.  How smart does one have to be to post such personal and confidential information openly on the internet?  Anyone interested now has your full name, address and banking account information.  Congratulations.

8 Antworten 8
Der Ritter

@AliDJ@  schrieb:

I will not pay the extra 4,50euro that was charged to me on 23 Nov.

And what is it they were charged for?  Late payment fee perhaps?



Ein Klick auf "Danke" tut nicht weh - ich sage schon mal "Dankeschee!"

Achtung, es folgt eine Signatur: Wenn überhaupt, dann jammern wir auf einem extrem hohen Niveau.

I believe it was a chargeback fee, but what I was trying to say is that I had already made the payment before they tried to charge it.

The difficulty here is:  If you contractually agree on direct debit as payment method of choice, then to my best of knowledge making a payment yourself before the DD date does not cancel the direct debit transaction itself in the system.


Did you clarify with customer service in advance that you were going to make the payment yourself on this occasion?



Ein Klick auf "Danke" tut nicht weh - ich sage schon mal "Dankeschee!"

Achtung, es folgt eine Signatur: Wenn überhaupt, dann jammern wir auf einem extrem hohen Niveau.

I cannot figure out how to do it contractually on the website.  Like I keep trying to tell you, this is extremely difficult when I do not speak German.  I do have previous correspondence saying that I will pay the bill myself.  I am having the same problems with other companies with my bank account so this is a problem I am trying to fix.


Hello AliDJ,


the way you describe it, our debit and your wire transfer overlapped. If you have not changed the payment method Sepa direct debit, the calculation of the flat rate is correct.


you can withdraw the direct debit authorization from us.


Best regards


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Then you are taking advantage of people who cannot speak German. I have been trying to change the direct debit but all phone prompts are in German and so is the help on the website. I want to change it but I cannot.

I keep getting charged a chargeback fee because I cannot change the direct debit authorization.  How do I change direct debit authorization??????  I have already sent a payment and it is not reflected on my account.  Now I feel like Vodafone is stealing money from me because I cannot get anyone to help me in English.


Hello, AliDJ,


if you have deposited your IBAN with us, then the amount will also be debited from your account. If there is no cover at this time, the money will be returned to us and the lump sum is justified. We will then make a second debit. If you transfer in between, then it can overlap. Nevertheless the lump sum is justified.




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