am 22.11.2018 16:01
I have 2 accounts with vodafone. Internet and TV.
I cancelled both of these accounts several months ago via the appropriate channels.
Both contracts shgould have ended on Aug 31, 2018 - the same day I moved out of my apartment.
The problem is, I'm still being charged for both internet and tv - for services I no longer use.
Please help!
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 12.12.2018 12:16
Hello, ShaunK,
As we have already informed you, we do not have a cancellation for your connection. I have now discontinued the termination and the contract will be terminated according to TKG (Telecommunications Act) registration date with us (22.11.) + 3 months.
am 12.12.2018 13:41
Thank you for the response.
Can you confirm that this is for BOTH internet and tv (not just internet). Also, how do I proceed returning the modem and tv cable box.
I do appreciate the help, but my aim here is to find out why my account was not cancelled by vodafone - after vodafone had received two cancelation notices. One verbal intention and confirmation one in writing. These were the instructions given to be my a vodafone employee.
Vodafone's failure to act on the cancelation order will cost me an extra €455. If this was lost in administration, this is not my problem. I will challenge this and request an escaltion of this issue until someone takes responsbility for this.
Thank you again for your assisstance, but it's only solving part of the problem, and I would say to other non-natives reading this to proceed with caution when using vodafone.
am 12.12.2018 13:44
I mistakenly clicked that this case was solved, could you reset it please.
am 16.12.2018 18:18
Hello, ShaunK,
I stopped giving notice for both contracts as a gesture of goodwill. These will be terminated on 22.02.2019. The return address will be communicated to you with the cancellation confirmation. As we already wrote to you, we did not receive any cancellation from you.
am 17.12.2018 17:56
Goodwill isn't canceling something that I could've cancelled again myself with the exact same results.
Goodwill is offering something good, willingly.
Thank you vodafone for stealing several hundred euro from me. At first I thought this €500+ would've been better spent on my newborn daughter and her needs, but I'm sure a company earning over 10 billion euro a year needs it more than me...
am 20.12.2018 11:39
Hello Shaun,
we can't make another decision in your case, i'm sorry.