am 20.05.2018 19:11
I bought new vodafone dsl and landline network last week. the device vodafone sent me is CH7466CE.
on the setup page of the router i can see the landline is working, but when i connect my device the the line one i am not able to make any call.
can anybody helps me with the problem.
Kuldeep patel
am 21.05.2018 15:48
Just being curious: Has the connection already been activated and is it fully functional? One week between ordering a DSL connection and its full operability seems way too short.
Please check in your paperwork what it says regarding the date of activation. My guess is that this is still at some point in the future.
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am 24.05.2018 13:01
Hello Kuldeep,
Sorry for the late reply. Has anything changed yet? Could you please answer the question from Der Ritter? Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,