Device return Slip not received yet

Dear Sir/Madam,

I received an email on 26 Jan 2020 to return my old device and in the email letter it was mentioned that I will receive the return slip on the same day.

It has been one week and I still didn't get any return device slip.

When I relocated to new place the customer care mentioned that a Vodafone person will collect your old device and no one collected it so far. 

Following are my queries:

1. How long should I wait for return device slip?

2. Do I have to pay by myself to return to old device now??? or Vodafone will pay for it?

3. In case I am not going to get the return device slip then which address I have to send the old device?

Thanks and regards.

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello @Nilesh,


I see that you talk to my colleague @Jens-K two weeks ago.


You don't need a return devices from us. Please send the hardware back to us within 14 days. Then is everything okay and you don't have to pay for that. Smiley (fröhlich)


The adress is:


Arvarto Distribution GmbH

Warenannahme 36 (Retoure)

Bielefelder Straße 45

33428 Marienfeld


Please include an info with your DSL number in the package.


Best Regards


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8 Antworten 8

A) You need to return your device on your own expenses. There is no pick-up service available.

B) There might be a return slip that has to be enclosed together with the device - but this depends if you had a Cable contract (internet using the antenna outlet) or a DSL contract (internet using the phone outlet). Only in case of a DSL contract, there is a return slip.

C) The address where you have to send the devices to also differs by if you had a Cable contract or DSL contract.


Please note that you have to return the devices within 14 days.

I had a DSL contract. Can you please let me know which address I have to send back the device?

Usually you should have got that information with your written cancellation confirmation.

As far as I remember, it's an address for Arvato Distribution GmbH - but I cannot provide you with the necessary return slip that needs to be enclosed into the parcel.

Thank you I will send the old device today.

You mentioned that I have to send the device within 14 days, I believe if there was clear communication from Vodafone then it make sense to return the device in 14 days.

The letter mentioned that I will get the slip and hence I was waiting for it and as you mentioned for DSL contract I should be having the return slip in the box, then Vodafone knows that my contract was of DSL and they should have not mentioned that I would receive the return slip and I may not have waited for 1 week to receive the return slip.

Also I am unsatisfied with vodafone service as the customer care commits you one thing and it doesnt happen for example:

1. I had transferred my connection and customer care didnt cancel my contract and now they have canceled my contract after 3 months by deducting money from my bank account for which I have to raise the concern on this forum

2. Customer care mentioned that the new person who will come for connection will collect the old device.

So please improve your service before trying to put hard deadline of 14 days for returning the device when all the mistake is done by vodafone.




Hello @Nilesh,


I see that you talk to my colleague @Jens-K two weeks ago.


You don't need a return devices from us. Please send the hardware back to us within 14 days. Then is everything okay and you don't have to pay for that. Smiley (fröhlich)


The adress is:


Arvarto Distribution GmbH

Warenannahme 36 (Retoure)

Bielefelder Straße 45

33428 Marienfeld


Please include an info with your DSL number in the package.


Best Regards


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Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for mentioning the address.

I already sent the old device via DHL yesterday with the return slip that was in the old device box.

For information I have included the letter (received in my email for returning the device) in the box.





Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey Nilesh,


thanks. It's arrived. 🙂

We'll take care of the rest.


Best regards


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Hi Norman,

Thank you for the device received confirmation :).

Have a nice weekend.

