can not return modem


I canceled my internet contract 3 month ago and i moved to another country, in my profile i see that i should return the modem. first question is why should i return it ? wasnt it lease to own in contract ? i paid every month.

secondly my problem is that i can mail you the modem because im not in germany anymore and i live in canada and i dont have access to modem right now, its in germany but i can not post it to you. what happens now ? cant you give me more time like couple of months i might travel to germany in 4 month and i can not send it back to you in 4 days.

i also want to know how much will i be charged if i dont return it ? my modem model is 

WLAN-Kabelrouter Compal CH7466CE.

also should it be exactly the same modem cant i send you another instance of the same model modem not the one i used ?

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello Amir_ziarati,


our modem is left to you for use during the entire contract period. If you do not return it in time, you will be charged 100 Euro. We cannot adjust the return period. You don't have anybody else who can get hold of the device and send it back for you?

You don't need to send a modem of the same type back because it has a different serial number, as reneromann has already written to you.


Best regards


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2 Antworten 2

At first: There are no lease-to-own routers. The payment you may have made is the price for the WiFi option - that's not a device payment but simply the activation fee for the WiFi part of the router.


And that leads to your second question - what happens if you don't return the router in time: There is a simple answer - it'll be charged with a non-return fee of approx 100 € (if I remember right).


And no - there is not "more time" as it was your contractual obligation to return any rental device (like the router) within 14 days from the end of your contract. And no, you also cannot send another device as the device is registered by serial number. So in case you'd buy another device (whilst those devices aren't publicially sold but only non-returned rental devices), it'll be a different serial number and not recognized as belonging to your contract. Instead Vodafone will recognize it as belonging to someone else - you'll still be charged for not returning your device.


Hello Amir_ziarati,


our modem is left to you for use during the entire contract period. If you do not return it in time, you will be charged 100 Euro. We cannot adjust the return period. You don't have anybody else who can get hold of the device and send it back for you?

You don't need to send a modem of the same type back because it has a different serial number, as reneromann has already written to you.


Best regards


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