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Changing the adresse

Hallo, I moved to different apartment but in the same building (the same adresse). I report this in meinvodafone. The deactivation in the "old adresse" was 10.08, and activation on "new adresse" is gonna be on 24.09. On my account is info that the connection on the new adresse is already active, but the technics are gonna come in September. So can the technics come earlier? I will have to pay for this period of time even I won't have internet? Can any one from employes from vodafoen check this? 

1 Antwort 1

Hi soowhat,


when we order the line from the Telekom theyx tell us the earliest date possible for the activation.


In some cases it can take longer because they are working on the DSL infrstructure in your area.


An appointment can not be moved to an earlier date.


We can ask for an earlier one but chances are that they confirm an even later date then. This can not be made undone.


If you want to risk this, send me a private message with your name, customer number and customer password.




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