am 03.01.2022 16:43 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 04.01.2022 09:23 von akoch
Hello, I recently signed up with Vodafone as a mobile provider. On the network map, I can see that there is 4G at the location where I work. In some, more open areas of the building, I do get 4G connection. However, when I am in an office or lab (within a room), there is no Internet connection at all (no EDGE, 3G, LTE or 5G).
This was not the case with my previous provider so I know it is possible to get LTE connection within these rooms. I also know that this is not limited to my cell phone, as I have tried my sim card on two cell phones so far.
How can I get this addressed?
Added place/site to subject (akoch)
03.01.2022 16:55 - bearbeitet 03.01.2022 16:56
What is the adress of the missing coverage?
Maybe the vodafone site is to far away for indoor coverage und other operaters (D1/O2) have sites near your location and thereby indoor coverage.
Another posibility is actual outage of sites.
Bei guter Leistung freue ich mich über ein Danke (Daumen hoch)
Kein Support via PN !!am 03.01.2022 18:44
Thank you for your reply. The address is: Venusberg, Sigmund-Freud-Straße 25, 53127 Bonn.
am 04.01.2022 09:25
LTE Site in the north are running without problems.
Bei guter Leistung freue ich mich über ein Danke (Daumen hoch)
Kein Support via PN !!am 04.01.2022 11:04
Thanks for checking. This would rule out network outage being an issue yeah?
am 04.01.2022 12:43
If there is an outage iwould see this.
I think the problem is the indoor coverage.
Other vodafone customer should have same problems like you.
Bei guter Leistung freue ich mich über ein Danke (Daumen hoch)
Kein Support via PN !!am 05.01.2022 15:38
I'll ask around to see if any of my colleagues that are using Vodafone are facing the same issue. If it is a case of indoor coverage, is there anything that can be done? Or is there a way to inform Vodafone so this can be part of future improvements to the network?
am 05.01.2022 16:13
Maybe use this app to address this:
Bei guter Leistung freue ich mich über ein Danke (Daumen hoch)
Kein Support via PN !!am 07.01.2022 08:16
Thank you @akoch . I'll do that 🙂