




Vodafone router keeps blinking - no internet

Hello. All 3 lights (Power, Internet, Phone) are blinking and it is impossible to connect to the router via neither Wifi nor Ethernet. I have restarted the router several times but it doesn't help. What should I do?

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello tuanphong,


then it is so 😉 is not further tragic.


Regards Fred

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12 Antworten 12

Hello tuanphong,


did the Internet connection work already or did you just install the router? What is your postal code? Did you contact our chat bot TOBi?


Kind regards,


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Tobi, der nun mit ca. 16 Jahren vorzeitig die Grundschule beendet, befindet sich derzeit in einer sehr steilen Lernphase. Mittlerweile kann er schon seinen Namen tanzen. Dies gibt uns Kunden Mut, dass er uns im nächsten Jahr verstehen wird.


Sein großer Bruder, der Netz-Assi, arbeitet noch daran seinen Namen zu tanzen zu lernen.

Er lehrt uns Kunden Demut vor der Technik zu haben. Nicht jeder Kunde vermag den Router aus und wieder ein zuschalten.


Da der Netz-Assi noch nicht seinen Namen korrekt tanzen kann, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass die Leitung gemessen wird und der Kunde einen Rückruf zu erhält.


Der Kunde durfte spannende 15 Minuten mit dem Netz-Assi verbringen. 

Wir Kunden setzen alles daran, dem Netz-Assi eine gute Zukunft zu wünschen.

Userban wg. wiederholter Missachtung der Forenregeln. Gruß, das Mod-Team

Hi @Claudia.


Thanks for your reply.


Unfortunately, the Tobi assistant wasn't helpful at all. I contacted the technichians via the hotline on Saturday. They promised to send me a new router in the next few days (though I haven't gotten any notification/information about the delivery via email by now). My postal code is 66123. Other people in my building still got internet, so the problem is the router, given that both Power-, Phone- and Internet-LEDs are flashing.


To clarify, the router had been working well for two months until Saturday. I kept all default settings and didn't change anything. It just stopped working.


Hello tuanphong,


I'd be happy to take a look and see if the router is on the way or if anything else has been detected.


Please send me this data in a private message:


*Customer number


*Address (street, house number, postcode, town)

*date of birth

*current mobile phone number (in case a trouble ticket is needed)


Then report back briefly here in the post when you have sent the message.




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Hi, I've sent you a private message. Thank you.


Hello tuanphong,


Your router is currently being shipped and will arrive soon.


Please report here if you have connected the router and are still having problems.


Greetings Jana

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Hello. I just received the router (I will test it this evening and report back here if it works). 


One question:

The new router also came with new accessories (e.g., power adapter, LAN cable, etc.). Do I have to return the old accessories along with the old router? If not, I would have 2 sets of accessories.




Hello tuanphong,


please test it with both antenna cables and send the defective router including accessories back to us.


Regards Fred

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