am 09.04.2022 12:00
Unfriendly Vodafone,
I have a series of problems:
- For three days, my Wi-Fi has not worked.
- I don't speak German
- Your customer service is useless
- Although I provide you with my account number, name, surname, address, date of birth, color of eyes and hair, you need a number that follows the format 1234-5678, which I can easily find in the email with this number in the subject line (which does not exist).
- I have to go around looking for Wi-Fi to work but to solve the problem when I contact you I have to be at home
- The problem is not only mine but of the whole neighborhood but in your map of malfunctions does not appear any problem
- The malfunction is due to something related to the return of I don't know what which is difficult to discover and your technician has to go door to door to find it (poor guy). I wonder at which door he must have gotten lost after three days.
- Here in the area there is a Vodafone hotspot that works very badly but at least it could provide the minimum connection that allows to do something. You could offer free access to the hotspot, don't you think?
- The day I receive your bill for the non-service provided I don't tell you that there is a problem and you have to wait for payment. Not do I ask you for your account number, name, surname, address, date of birth, color of eyes and hair, a number that follows a format that you will not find anywhere. Not do I ask you to restart your router and wait one hour. As I do not tell you that many other companies don't get paid and you should be patient, it is not easy to solve this kind of issues!
- The malfunction is suddenly known by Vodafone but no one deigns to communicate a date, even if approximate, of resolution.
- Will I be compensated for the long list of pain in the ass that you are creating for me?
- my personal mobile hotspot drained and all my gb went.
I am sure that you will solve everything in few years from now. Meanwhile I regularly pay for your non service and diligently try to call you and restart my router. I will also be careful to check that I am not so idiot to plug the router to my bed or directly into the wall, otherwise of course it doesn't work.
am 10.04.2022 15:30
Hello Giacomo2,
the forum here is also not a live chat. So please refrain from sending PN without a request to the mods. It will not make the editing faster either.
In which state do you live exactly?
Greetings Moni
am 10.04.2022 15:48
Hi Mini,
I am in Berlin.
I noticed the rules of the forum recently. I am not able to find any solution or a way to speak with someone that could follow up on my request or help me in any way.
am 10.04.2022 16:42
@Moni_GK my bad
am 10.04.2022 16:56
Of course, if you could not only tell me the forum rules and how to behave, but also give me some concrete help, I would be very grateful.
I am here on this forum because the hotline told me to come here to be helped and not because I have a particular attraction to spending my days on a vodafone forum.
As I said in another thread, I didn't disconnect my internet on purpose and now I come to annoy you but it's the other way around. And for the past four days in addition to not being able to work I have to spend part of my day trying to figure out what to do (spend monetarily as well, if that wasn't clear enough).
Kindest regards
am 11.04.2022 11:30
Update: fifth day without internet and without any assistance. The only thing I can do is talk to an operator who asks me for all my data and as if it were the first time I reported the problem, he tells me that he will inform the technicians about the problem. The whole block of flats where I live has no internet access and everyone has reported it, but Vodafone's outage map doesn't show any problems in the area!
According to Bundesnetzagentur: If the telephone line, internet connection or mobile phone reception is disrupted, consumers have a legal right to have the disruption remedied as quickly as possible and free of charge.
If the provider cannot rectify the disturbance within one day of the fault report, then the provider must inform the customer no later than on the following day. The provider must indicate which measures it has implemented and when the disruption is expected to be remedied.
Consumers can claim indemnification as from the following day if the provider cannot remedy the disruption within two calendar days and no rules of exception such as force majeure take effect. Indemnification can also be claimed when the provider misses a scheduled appointment for customer service or installation. source:
None of this happened.