




Vodafone Station Router constantly disconnects or loses connections ~3-6 times a day for months

Hello, I have been having issues with my router constantly for the past few months already and it has been getting VERY annoying, especially due to the home office situation. I hope it is OK to post messages in English, otherwise I am happy to use a translator app, as long as the issue gets resolved...

  • In which state do you live?
    Bayern 81825

  • What contract do you have?
    Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable
  • Which modem/ router are you using?
    Vodafone Station CGA4233DE

  • Do you use a rental device from us or do you have your own device ?

  • Which error occurs? (Speed ​​too low; packet loss) Also send screenshots of speed tests (with date and time) and tracerts/ping plotter measurements in the event of packet loss or ping problems

    The router reboots. We can see the router lights going off and then restarting slowly, and its wi-fi also disappears...

    In some more rare cases, the router stays on, but there is no internet connection. We have to go there and manually reboot for the internet to work again...

  • How is your device connected to the modem ? ( LAN; WLAN; additional router; PowerLAN )
    Via WLAN and also via LAN to an additional router.

  • Which browser do you usually use? (e.g. Firefox)
    Google Chrome

  • Which operating system do you have on your computer? (e.g. Windows)
    Mac OS X

  • Start and period of the disruption  (e.g.: since the beginning of April; only in the evening)
    It has been happening for months. I can remember from October for sure, but it is very unpredictable, some days it disconnects only 1 or 2 a day. Last Monday, it disconnected at least 5 times. There's also no fixed period of the day, it happens during the afternoon but also in the evening. I tend to notice more during the day because I'm more active in meetings due to Home Office.

  • Also upload a screenshot of the signal values . You can find this in the user interface of your cable router via or via on the Fritzbox.
    I can't do this, because the router simply reboots....

  • What measures were taken by the fault hotline (available on 0800-5266625 for Vodafone Kabel Deutschland or 0221/46619100 for Vodafone West)?
    I tried (factory) resetting the router, but the problem persists.

    Is it a problem with my router? Can I request a replacement? Can anyone provide any insight to solve this?
    I really can't take this anymore....
10 Antworten 10

It happened again today:

27 January 2020 - 14:50


I attached a screenshot from the router (it is empty).
We had to manually restart for it to work again...


Hello ygomes,


do the disconnects and reboots persist with a different coaxial cable? If yes, I would like to have a look at your connection. Please send me a PM with the following details:


- your name

- the full address

- the customer number

- birth date of the contract owner


Leave a short reply with the date and time the problem occured the last time here in your thread after you sent the PM.


Kind regards,


Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes!

Hello Claudia,


Thank you for the reply. I sent you my details.

Unfortunately today we did not take note of any disconnects, only the one that happened yesterday, which I already sent the photo.


With regards to the cable, it is new and it came with the router when we started using it in July 2020.
We could potentially buy a new one to try out if that would fix the issue, but it would be great to have some more assurances that this is really the problem...


Hello ygomes,


your router is online for three days now and the last error rates on your access where on January 27th. Were there disconnects in the last few days? If yes, we may send you a coaxial cable to make sure that it isn't the reason for the problems.


Kind regards


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Hello Claudia,


Thank you for the response.


We managed to buy a new coaxial cable (a bit higher quality) and changed it.

So far, we had no issues... We'll monitor for a couple more days, and report in case the issue persists.


Thank you again.

Hello Claudia,


The issue persists.

Today (04/02/2022) at 12:31, the internet stopped again, but the router continues online.


I took a screenshot of the DOCSIS Status page (attached).


We had to manually reboot the router for it to start working again.


Could you please help us?



It happened once again today: 04.02.2022 13:16


Screenshot attached


Hello ygomes,


there’s a disturbance on the way back in your area. The technical area is in the process of solving the problem. Unfortunately, there is no forecast as to when it will start again. You’ll get a text message when the colleagues fix the problem.


Best regards Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

I have a Vodafone Kabel Deutschland connection and recently reduced the speed from 100 MBPS. After that, I have a connection problem with my Google TV device.


I cannot connect my TV to my WLAN showing an error "Check Internet Connection". Using the cable Ethernet it is working well. I called you and you said the porblem in the IPs so you can fix it fast. Unfortunately, nothing was solved and also there are some disturbances in the android devices connecting to the wifi netweork as well and that is noticed with Apple devices.  


