Urgent - without internet for 5 days now.

Dear Team, 


I have moved to different address and already given the notice to vodafone, and its confirmed also received a coinformation post to my flat. when i connected the modem to the internet post , the internet doiesnt work, since then i called the customer service many times, also visited the nearest vodafone store, i was assured that it will be fixed by 07.02.2024 by latest. still my issue is not fixed. I tried to call the vodafone customer care countless times , still useless. 


I urgently ask the vodafone team to look after this issue. I live in Belrin , Post code 13585 

1 Antwort 1

Since August 15th, 2022 there is no more individual support here in the forum. Support in English is available via WhatsApp 

Best regards Kurt

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