Slow internet after upgrade to 1GB


Ich habe ein Problem mit meiner Internetverbindung. Vor 50 MB und vor zwei Tagen änderte ich meinen Zoll auf 1 gb, aber die Verbindung wurde sehr langsam. Jetzt ist es ständig auf und ab. Es geht auf 30 MB und dann auf 5 oder 6 ab. Das ist das Verhalten des ganzen Tages. Es ist nicht stabil. Können Sie dieses Problem bitte lösen, da ich von zu Hause aus arbeite und meine Verbindung stabil sein muss? Ich habe die Kundendienstleistungen mehrmals angerufen, aber da es alles auf Deutsch ist, verstehe ich sie nicht. Danke im Voraus.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen


It is quite possible that even used but refurbished devices go out. We can not guarantee that it is a new router.

Shall we exchange anyway?

Greetings Moni

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21 Antworten 21

Hallo Youssef021,


willkommen in der Community 🙂


Tut mir leid, dass Du an der Hotline nicht weiter kommst. Möchtest Du vielleicht auf Englisch schreiben, damit Du Dich besser ausdrücken kannst? Kannst Du bitte einmal diese Punkte beantworten. Wir schauen es uns gern an und melden uns in Deinem Beitrag zurück.


Gruß Fred

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Many thanks for your prompt reply. Please find the rquired screenshots and my answers inline.

In which state do you live? Please also send the zip code. I live in Kaiserslautern (Rhineland-Palatinate). Zip code 67655

What contract do you have? (e.g. internet + phone 100) Vodafone CableMax 1000

Which modem/ router are you using? (e.g. Hitron) Vodafone Station TG3442DE

Do you use a rental device from us or do you have your own device ? Your device

Which error occurs? (Speed ​​too low; packet loss) Also send screenshots of speed tests (with date and time) and tracerts/ping plotter measurements in the event of packet loss or ping problems. Set the ping plotter to 2.5 seconds for the interval and use affected services as the target.

 Speed was too slow even below the 50MB I had previously, and it kept going down and high the whole day. Sometimes it went to 300 MB and sometimes it went down to 20 or below. (Please refer to the speed tests done). I after reset the router, then it gets better. I did two tests with LAN, and it gave 940MB and 906, and with Wi-Fi 396 to 559 MB. The issue is that it’s not stable. Maybe the router is the issue!

How is your device connected to the modem ? ( LAN; WLAN; additional router; PowerLAN )  WLAN

Start and period of the disruption    Since the tariff change in Aril 5th

Also upload a screenshot of the signal values . You can find this in the user interface of your cable router via or via on the Fritzbox.  I took a screenshot but don’t know if it’s the right one

What measures were taken the fault hotline (available on 0800-5266625 for Vodafone Kabel Deutschland or 0221/46619100 for Vodafone West)? I called more than 3 times, but it wasn’t possible for me to talk to them as my German is still bad😊 but I’m learning it!

Regards, Youssef Rhani



Hello again,

I just would like to add that the connection keeps going up and down. I can't no more watch a video or iptv in a stable way. It works then keeps loading. I reset the router several times. Before with 50 MB tariff all was working fine and stable. When doing a speedtest, it starts higher then gets down. So the issue is the stability of the network.

Thanks & regards, Youssef


Hi @Youssef021,

thanks for the informations 🙂 I can gladly take a look at the connection. Can you send me your customer data (customer number, name, address and date of birth of the contract holder) via private message?

Then please let me know in the post when you have sent me the data.



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Hello Tobias,

Info sent via PM.

Thanks, Youssef


Hi @Youssef021,


how do you measure the speed? The line looks good actually, is it via lan stable, or do you just have these problems via wifi? 🙂





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It's via wifi. The problem isn't the line measurement but it's cutting all the time. I hope you understande me. I'm losing a lot of time since April 5th and still none understood my issue. My work is affected a lot by these cutts. The connection goes up and down all the time, so you can't work at ease. With 50 MB before all was fine. If you will say that it's from side, please returm me back my 50 MB and save me the trouble of these 1GB! Please I need a solution asap, not exchanging 1 msg/day.



I noticed that today the network is stable. It doesn't go up and down as before. Thanks for your help!

Regards, Youssef

Unfortunately the issue is back again! I thought it was resolved. It's again going up and down again! Can I get this modem changed plz? The speedtest says that your servers deliver 1080 MB but the router either has a limitation or has a defect ! at least this is my understanding! I attach the speed tests done today

Thanks and regards,
