
Hi, My name is XXXXXXXXX, customer number XXXXXXXXXX I have an issue with my internet connection since Saturday. It keeps going and coming back and is very slow. I use it for work and I'm highly affected. I already received an email from ...
Hello,I have an internet disturbance during quasi one week now. The connection is lost 3 to 5 times per day then comes back. Can you please fix it as it's becoming serious?Thanks and regards,Youssef Rhani
Hi, My customer number is XXX. My connection is lost and can no more work. My job is affected and needs a solution urgently. Restarted the router,checked the cable bur without effect. Also since begining of this contract my speed is always 300 to 400...
Hello,Ich habe ein Problem mit meiner Internetverbindung. Vor 50 MB und vor zwei Tagen änderte ich meinen Zoll auf 1 gb, aber die Verbindung wurde sehr langsam. Jetzt ist es ständig auf und ab. Es geht auf 30 MB und dann auf 5 oder 6 ab. Das ist das ...
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