Please help, i have been trying to contact an english speaking person at vodafone for days. My Internet fails randomly for months now. Turning the router on and off temporarily fixes it. I am at my wits end, please can someone who speaks english help me.
I believe the router is defective, as it also fails on randomly.
- In which state do you live? Please also send the zip code
- Which contract do you have? (eg internet + telephone 100)
- Which modem / router do you use? (eg Hitron)
- Vodafone station TG3442DE
- Do you use a loaner device from us or do you have your own device ?
- What is the error ? (Speed too low; packet loss) Send screenshots of speed tests (with date and time) and tracer / ping plotter measurements in the event of packet loss or ping problems
- Connection resets, DNS probes fail randomly. Clicking refresh 5-10 times the page loads. Across all devices. Have factory reset router.
- How is your terminal connected to the modem ? ( LAN; WLAN; additional router; PowerLAN )
- Which browser do you usually use? (e.g. Firefox)
- Which operating system do you have on your computer? (e.g. Windows)
- Start and period of the disturbance (eg since the beginning of April; only in the evening)
- Upload a screenshot of the signal values . You can find this in the user interface of your cable router via t or via on the Fritzbox.
- Which measures were carried out by the fault hotline (available at 0800-5266625 for Vodafone Kabel Deutschland or 0221/46619100 for Vodafone West)?