am 30.11.2021 10:00
Since I bought Vodafone 250 kable internet, I have no internet at all. I work from home and I'm loosing tons of money being unable to do work and be sure I'm going to get this money from vodafone.
My contract started around 13.11.
Since that day, either there is no internet at all, or speeds are below 1 mbps.
Restarting router does not help.
Connection via kable and wifi, 5 different devices.
Website bot indicates "problems with return loop, order a technician".
Main problem:
I used all means of communication vodafone provides and all I got were bots and ignorance. This is bull***t.
Good thing that you have a bot for help on the website, telling me in a loop to restart router, it really helps. And leaving my phone number for a service contact does nothing.
Good thing that you have a bot for help on the phone, with no way to connect to real, living people.
Good thing that if you somehow connect to a living person, he/she says that I can go f*** myself, because "vodafone is german company and we speak only german".
Good thing that vodafone has a rainbow theme on facebook and is an inclusive company, which ignores non-german speakers all in the same way.
Good thing that I know a little bit of german and I know that I'm being treated like an idiot, telling me "everything is fine, it's a problem with your device, there is no need for technician", whereas people on the same street have the same problems and are cancelling their contracts.
Good thing that you don't have an email address where I can write about my problem. This way you can focus on ignoring customers even more.
I know my rights and with the current state of "service", I should not pay you at all, or even you should pay me for the losses. If the problem will not be addressed/fixed during next week, I'm going to go with this issue to Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, as what is currently happening and you approach to a consumer is outrageous.
I tried to address the issue via normal ways, to be polite and to look for help, but if your policy is to ignore the problem and consumer till he just gives up, well, that is not me.
Kind regards,
- zuletzt bearbeitet am
I'm back at my apartment in Berlin and for one week, everything was okay. Today, again, I cannot use internet at all. Again, I cannot do my job.
Screenshot of awesome service you are providing is attached.
One month worth of credit is the leas you could do. What about whole month of rent for the apartment which was unusable for me and I needed to go back to my home country, on the countryside, with wireless internet (not even 3G) to be able to work?
There is no information from your side as to the cause. Service you are providing is unstable at best, most of the time is not present at all. You don't even offer a backup plan for affected users (ex. 3G internet for the time of the issue).
It is almost third month starting and during this time I had a stable connection, adequate to the contract, maybe for a week in total?
This is getting ridicullus. What are you going to do about it?
Paweł Miłaszewicz
Edit: Removed attachment with public IP address.
am 11.01.2022 18:45
Hello Powell,
sorry to hear that the connection is not working correctly. Are the restrictions on your connection 24/7 with every device in the household? So far there are no reports from other users on your segment. Your last report was over 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, we cannot refund your entire contract for one month, nor can we contribute to your rent. In case of an outage we have the possibility to provide mobile data volume for free use.
Best regards Fred
am 13.01.2022 17:08
Yes, 3 weeks ago, because I needed to move out of the apartment to be able to do my work. Now I'm back and the problems also.
Yesterday and Today Internet speed is below 5 mbps, droping to almost 0 (screenshots).
Yes, problems are on all devices, be it connected via cable to router or by wifi. I'm not monitoring my internet 24/7, but at least 12/7. Currently I'm wrtiting this message from cellular O2 internet, because websites are not loading on your line.
How can I apply for mobile data then? The cable internet you are providing is totally unstable, be it speeds or accessibility at all.
I'm paying for 250 mbps. I work as a software developer, I'm maintaining live, online application. I'm sending gigabytes of data daily. Cellular internet with GBs limit is out of the question for me. Because of my inability to do my work, company I work for loses money.
I shouldn't need to write all of these messages at all. You are failing to fulfill the contract. I've done all I can to inform you, to give you data. Three months of unusable service from your side.
I am sorry, but I am **piep**ed. Angry beyond comprehension. I know that Vodafone is huge, you have lot's of problems, that it is not YOUR fault as a person. But I cannot fathom why after so long time almost nothing changed? Worst thing is you are the only provider here, so I can do sh*t about whole situation.
What can I do for you to pinpoint the cause? Install some logging app? Get some live contact to person from Vodafone and inform him/her immediatelly when I have problems, for him/her to check immediatelly? Let me know.
Kind regards,
am 14.01.2022 08:25
am 14.01.2022 15:51
Response times are so high, that systems I use for data querries returns timeouts.
am 17.01.2022 08:54
Hello Powell,
thanks for the infos. We currently have no reported permanent restrictions in your area. We would be happy to have a technician on site check and correct the problem. The technician will need access to the house distribution system and information on whether there are any known problems with Covid 19 in the household. The fault clearance of our components up to the modem is free of charge. Please have a look at the information about the service fee.
Best regards Fred
am 17.01.2022 15:12
you can schedule a techician appointment from 24th of January, as during this week I'm abroad and cannot provide access to the site.
Or please tell me how should I schedule an appointment.
Kind regards,
am 19.01.2022 11:19
Hi @Powell,
i can give it to my colleagues and they will contact you to create an appointment probably,- otherwise, we can try to create a ticket for the week.. What do you want?
am 20.01.2022 14:34
If they can speak english, they can contact me, if not, then please create a ticket.
Kind regards,
am 24.01.2022 07:43