am 15.11.2021 10:47
I have internet problem for months now (maybe 6, since the "upgrade" from 200 Mbs to 250 Mbs).
I don't speak german, unfortunately, the call center is only in german because the employees are not "allowed" to speak in english...
What's my problem ?
At random time, my internet connection is not useable. It looks like I can do a search on google, but most of the websites are not reachable. (3 - 4 times a day for 30min-2hours each)
- I already called the customer service and tried to get help. the "second level talk" was supposed to call me back, nothing.
- I already did everything you or your bot asked me to do (restart, factory reset, cable tests........).
- I called the customer service with help from my girlfriend who speaks german, we did every (sorry for that) useless restart, reset, tests again, nothing.
- I already changed my routeur once and the problem disapeared for one week before coming back (Yeay ! ....).
- My IPv6 address is displayed well in the admin panel of the routeur but, when I test it on internet, the address is not available.
Informations :
-Postcode : 12205
-Red internet & Phone Young 200 Cable
-Your modem (TG3442DE)
-Your modem
-Connection not secure, not useable (connected, no internet access : from android) I can only use google search -but no websites are reachable.
-LAN or WIFI, or external TPLink
-Google, Brave, Firefox and Opera GX
-Windows 10 or android 7.0
-About 6 months ago
- I can't call them, I have a french number and it costs me a lot to have advices that didn't work previously.
I am actually working at home because I don't have an other way to do.
Can someone please help me with that ? I am at the end of my rope...
Thank you in advance,
Have a nice day.
am 30.11.2021 22:49
Dear Claudia,
Thank you for your answer,
I sent to you a private message with all the needed informations.
I wish you a lovely day,
Best regards,
Julien Arcicasa
am 03.12.2021 18:18
Hi @JulienArci,
can you send me the mobilenumber again? Whats the countrycode on the number youve send us? 🙂
am 03.12.2021 18:31
Dear Tobias,
Thank you for your help,
I sent you a private message, I have a french phone number
Thank you for your help,
am 08.12.2021 07:36
am 14.12.2021 19:48
Dear @ERFD, @Claudia, @Tobias
I called the technicians because I received a paper in my mailbox saying that they couldn't get me on the phone.
I never received any call.
I called them back as soon as I received the paper.
They told me that the ticket was fully closed by Vodafone and that I need to contact you again in order to open a ticket again.
I don't have more time to lose, I can't use properly the service I pay for, and for a long time now.
I can't do my job and I'm struggling too much for this ticket.
Could you please open a ticket and keep me in touch ?
I'll call them as soon as you confirm that a ticket is open.
I won't wait a call from them to avoid the same situation.
Thank you for your understanding.
am 18.12.2021 11:29
Hello JulienArci,
the ticket was closed by the technicians company, not by us. I made a new task and left a note that you didn't get a call last time.
Kind regards,
am 19.12.2021 00:52
Dear Claudia,
Thank you for your answer, I will contact them on Monday in order to make an appointment.
I hope they won't close the ticket until then.
Have a good day,
Best regards
am 22.12.2021 10:29
Hello JulienArci,
I see the appointment was successful now. I keep my fingers crossed the technician will solve the problem on Monday.
Happy holidays and kind regards,
am 20.01.2022 12:05
I hope you are fine.
Since the intervention of the technician,
We had a perfect first week with internet.
Unfortunately, since a few days,
It looks like we have micro-disconnections that appear randomly.
As an example, when we are in a call using teams, attending a meeting online or watching a stream, the sound and video are interrupting randomly.
I can see that my phone is swiching between Wifi and 4G while connecting again to wifi.
Important to know : The problem appears with an ethernet cable too.
Did you notice something strange on your side, please ?
Thank you in advance for your help,
While waiting your feedback, I wish you a great day
Best regards,
am 24.01.2022 09:16
Hi JulienArci,
I checked the connection, but I did not find any issues. Can you tell me some times, whenn de disconnects happen? We can give it a try and replace the modem, if you like.
Kind regards