am 02.06.2021 15:56
I have been having ineternet issues with speed and stability and cut offs for the past week. Today I finally got a call from a technitian who told me the problem is with the WLAN. I now switched to a wired connection and did the speed vodafone test and I'm getting 4mbits!
my smart phone (connected via wlan) shows less than 1mbits.
so both connections clearly need fixing!
I looked at the so called optimization tips and they are quite useless.
please help!
am 03.06.2021 08:21
Hello KeinRoboter,
welcome to the community.
In which state do you live? Please send also the postal code
Which contract do you have? (e.g. Internet + Phone 100)
Which modem/router do you use? (e.g. Hitron)
Do you use a rental device from us or do you have your own device?
Which error occurs? (Speed too low; Packetloss) Send also screenshots of speedtests (with date and time) and tracerts/ pingplotter measurements in case of packetloss or ping problems.
How is your end device connected to the modem? (LAN; WLAN; additional router; PowerLAN)
Which browser do you normally use? (e.g. Firefox)
Which operating system do you have on your computer? (e.g. Windows)
Beginning and period of the disturbance (e.g. since beginning of April; only in the evening)
Upload a screenshot of the signal values. You can find them in the user interface of your cable router via or via for the Fritzbox.
What measures were taken by the fault hotline (available at 0800-5266625)?
Greetings Moni
am 10.06.2021 09:23
Hi Moni,
I line in NRW with a contract "Red Internet & Phone 250 Cable U"
I have a vodafone TG3442DE router.
The speed drops drastically very often. Sometimes I'm getting my full speed, but most of the time I'm getting below 1MBps. This happens to all my devices, I tried the speed test from IOS, android, ubuntu, and Windows. From a google chrome browser.
This disturbance started happening early May, I don't know exactly what the service did. All they tell me is that they will relay the information to the technitian and that the technitian will call me. One time I got a call from a technitian that told me the problem lies in using a wifi network, I tried with a lan cable but it's still the same.
I can post the screenshots of the signal values when I get home. How do I get to them from "" page?
am 15.06.2021 10:16
Hi KeinRoboter
Send me a PM:
full name
full addresse
date of birth
customer number
Please write here again as soon as the PM ist out.
Best regards
am 16.06.2021 18:27
Hi Ida,
I just wrote you a PM
am 21.06.2021 18:13
Hi KeinRoboter
I just created a trouble ticket. The technical department will check it and give you feedback via SMS or phone call.
Best regards