I've got an unstable connection

My internet is really unstable, I've got an Red Internet & Phone 1000 contract with Vodafone, but ever since I got the router delivered, my internet is unusable. I'm having problems with slow speeds, ping spikes, packet loss, and router randomly losing connection for 5-10 minutes every couple hours. I tried to reach helpline, but I was told they can only speak German, and mine is not good enough to understand, so I was told to write here.

23 Antworten 23

Hello WooCash95,

we can only post tickets from here. The return path disturber must be removed.

Greetings Moni

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I will have to think about breaching my contract as Vodafone cannot deliver on their promises and it is impossible to use their service when 80% of the internet is either not available or so slow and weak that nothing loads/works.


Since yesterday I have no internet connection, only blinking red lights, I'm fed up at this point


Hi WooCash95,


we are sorry about that and hopefully fix this very soon.


Kind regards


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Don't be sorry, just fix your freaking problems im fuming at this point, can't break a contract unless i pay a hefty sum for leaving early, but for 4 months every single day I have no internet for a couple of hours, router restarts every 5-10 minutes, or i have days without the internet altogether for which i have to pay every month, i feel utterly dissapointed in measures taken by this company to fix the issues, unless this changes i will tell everyone to avoid vodafone, unless they want to pay for the service they dont get. its a joke


how many tickets have you created 5? 10? 20? And it did absolutely nothing, as of speaking right now, my router blinks red all the time have no internet. what a load of crap that is