am 09.01.2022 19:25
I have to start by saying that the internet service from Vdf has been far from ideal since the beginning, but usually all problems were solved by a restart (or two) of the router.
However, since yesterday we can't connect any device from the house to the wifi anymore.
I have tried restarting the router time and time again, I followed the steps of the troubleshooting guide, I connected via cable to the router and reset any settings from the webpage. Nothing works.
This is super frustrating considering internet and especially wifi are needed for a lot of devices to function these days (TV, vacuum) as well as having to connect a cable to my work laptop all across the house.
I would be really grateful if anyone has a solution to this mess.
Thank you,
am 10.01.2022 01:28
depending on which router exactly u r using:
in many cases: set the router back - factory reset !
sometimes Wifi stops working correctly because of different reasons (firmware updates..)
in situations like that first try a normal restart (u did it several times, I think)
when restart soes not work - try the factory reset !
especially when using Vodafone Station Arris