Cable internet not working (English)

Hello Vodafone!
Sorry, I am not so long in Germany, and can't speak German. Thus I can't use hotline to fix the problem.
I am a new client (from 08.03.2023) of Vodafone with GigaZuhaus Kabel tarif. So, almost a week I have no internet. The red light on the router blinking two times and then some pause and again blinking.
On previous Saturday (11.03.2023) the technical specialists come to fix the problem. But, they do not solve the problem. They said "the signal from cable is not enough". And they ask me to make another appointment when I will know from my landlords if there are any splitters behind the walls. So, there are no splitters a cable going directly from basement to apartment's outlet.
How we could solve the problem?

1 Antwort 1

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Best regards Kurt

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